Founded Laredo, Texas 1985

The US Customs Service was created on July 31, 1789, to collect import tariffs. The Investigative Arm was the Customs Agency Service, Customs Agents, and later GS 1811 Criminal Investigators.

Agents served along the Southern Border as did Agents of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, Bureau of Narcotics, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Immigration Investigators, The Drug Enforcement Administration, and Others.

This website is dedicated to GS 1811 Agents who served on the US/Mexican Border. Those who have been stationed and worked there for at least 3 years, at any time, or had direct supervision over such Agents qualify as Regular Members. We invite others to join us in this fraternal organization as Associate Members.


Hello, Fellow Rats!!!


First, let me say that the Laredo Conference, earlier this month — in May 2024 — was a huge success.  Many thanks to  Jaime and Malena and all who made it possible. It’s all about real friendships and it was great seeing everyone.

Next year’s 2025 celebration will be in San Antonio.  Some are still talking about our last convention in this wonderful city, and Fred says it will be even better this time.


1.  The date and hotel are being worked on right now.

2.  Start planning now to attend in April or May 2025.

3.  Tell everyone you worked with to come.

Hasta Luego,

Gil Hinojosa